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uPVC window being opened


Home security is everything. At Pretty Windows, we stock a wide range of products to keep your property safer and more secure.

Peace of mind for home and business owners across the Isle of Wight

We know you take the security of your home, family and assets seriously. That’s why our windows and doors come with a wide range of optional hardware and features to suit the security needs of domestic and commercial customers alike.

Explore our range of locks, door and window hardware and more – and don’t forget to request a home security survey, if you feel you would benefit from the most up-to-date advice from people who know the industry better than anyone else. For enhanced security, check out our composite doors.

open door with multi-lock

Multi-point locking

With a minimum of three locking points, multi-point systems provide a high level of security and are snap and bump resistant for extra peace of mind.


someone accessing door with key card

A variety of lock mechanisms

You can buy the toughest door imaginable, but a door is only as good as its lock, so to that end we provide a wide range of window-and-door locking mechanisms to deliver high levels of security for any home.


surveying looking at building plans

Security surveys

We sub-contract a variety of highly reputable security companies to provide security surveys for homeowners and landlords who request them. A survey will identify weak and strong points to your security setup, and advise ways that you can make improvements within your budget.

Digital Security System

Secured By Design

Secured by Design is the security standard you should be looking out for in all security features you choose for your property. Secured by Design means the product has been extensively tested to ensure it meets the required standards.

door handle being turned

Door and window hardware

Your door and window hardware is a key component of security. Handles, hinges, closers and bars need to be tough, functional and hardwearing. A range of materials and finishes is available.


Door handle and white door

Window locks

Door locks

Multi-point locking systems

Anti-snap and anti-bump locking

Tough, resilient door and window furniture and hardware

Security surveys by our trusted partners

Bespoke windows tailored to you

Discuss your security requirements with the Pretty Windows team by visiting our showroom or calling 01983 721700

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